The Value Of High School Vocational Training by Robert W. Lamar Featured on Times Square New York's Billboard

Several different carpentry tools are placed on a wooden surface.

Some Carpentry Skills One Must Have

Carpentry has been a useful skill to have since the beginning of time. It can help anyone take care of the little tasks around the house, DIY-ing furniture repairs, and if you’ve mastered the skill, create magical products from plain wood.

While carpentry looks fun and easy – it’s a very complex skill to possess. There are several different skills a person needs to become artistically equipped in carpentry. If you’re wondering what those additional skills are, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together some really common carpentry skills that one must have when practicing the art. Let’s begin!

Placing & Removing a Nail

While it may sound extremely easy, it’s important to know how to put a nail in place and how to take it out without damaging the piece you’re working on. When you hammer a nail into the wood, it might harm the piece of wood you are working on, leaving it split or dented if not done properly. Similarly, removing the nail is equally crucial, and you have to do it such that the wood remains unharmed.

Measuring Correctly

Woodwork and carpentry are all about measuring correctly. You need to understand the scales you are working with and the difference between on-paper calculations and real-life measurements.

You should be able to draw practical comparisons between the two different mediums you’re working on. Once you have the right measurements, you can easily make the object with accuracy.

Practice Safety

Carpentry isn’t all fun and games – it can get dangerous pretty quick. Anyone who’s deciding to spend a few hours practicing carpentry should be able to practice safety measures actively. It is important to know how far you need to keep your hand from the tools, what to do and what not to do. In addition, you should be able to provide first aid in case an accident occurs.

In his book, Robert W. Lamar talks about the importance of vocational training such as carpentry in high school. He talks about how it helps create discipline, provides hands-on experience, and a lot more to students at an early year of their career journey. Learn more about his view with his new book, The Value of High School Vocational Training.

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